Memorable dreams

I know, everyone here loves to dream.Well i'm talking about dreams we see when asleep,not day dreaming.Have you ever seen any dream so beautiful,scary or memorable that you would like to share.Like there are certain dreams which we see repeatedly...or some we get a deja vu feeling.c'mon lets share our dreams.

A dream you have at night will never be seen absurd to you while it’s happening. You live your dreams as if they represent the most realistic & logical situation in the world.

Once of the weirdest dream i ever had was that i saw my left arm was amputed and i woke up from my dream and i lifted my one arm with the help of other arm and it fell senseless on the bed, i started crying at nite...after a few minutes blood stared rushing back in my sensless arm & i could feel it as a part of my body. Actually i kept my arm in a same position for a long time blocking the blood flow and it got numb. I can never forget that dream, it was so real and quite scary to me.

if u see these dreams it signifies the following, how true i don't know :-)

Angel - protection.
Barrel - if full, prosperity. If empty, tightness of money.
Bear - a friend who is awkward will help you, if you are kind to him (her).
Bees - successful work.
Birds - if flying high, good luck. If flying low, bad luck. If singing, success.
Boat - a fortunate journey.
Book - sought-after wisdom is within reach.
Bread - material well-being.
Bridge - if crossed, a happy solution to a problem.
Calendar - loss due to untimeliness.
Chair - a change in employment.
Cheese - gain, profit.
Crab - separation.
Desk - if one is working at a desk, it means one should spend more time outdoors. If the desk is empty, it means a change in jobs.
Duck - someone acting anonymously.
Eggs - abundance.
Fishes - on the surface of the water, abundance and wealth. At the bottom, danger. Fishes can also indicate fertility or pregnancy.
Flag - change, success.
Fruit - abundance.
Gambling - good, if one loses. Bad, if one wins. (see Rule of Opposites, above).
Glass - if broken, success. If empty, distress.
Goat - inconstancy in a relationship or job.
Grasshopper - loss.
Guitar - declaration of love.
Gun - deceptive gain.
Hermit - need to bring quietness into one's life.
House - home life, often future home life. If one dreams of a home with a light inside or smoke rising from a chimney, it means one is unlikely to live alone. An empty house denotes living in solitude.
Key - opportunity for gaining wisdom.
Kiss - betrayal or self-betrayal.
Lamp - be prudent.
Mirror - betrayal.
Monkey - someone near is not to be trusted.
Mushrooms - long life, protection.
Mustard - problems anew.
Owl - don't start anything on next day.
Palace - sorrow caused by pride.
Pen - a new offer or proposal.
Prison - if entering, oppression. If leaving or escaping, recovery from depression.
Rabbit - if white or grey, friendship, partnership, success. If black, lies and reverses.
Reptile - slander, betrayal.
Ring - reconciliation.
Scissors - quarrels.
Snake - someone has a grudge against you.
Stapler - becoming attached to someone of questionable integrity.
Swan - great success.
Telephone - bad news awaits. Bad luck.
Trees - if a path through a forest, one will soon find one's purpose in life. If downed trees, success. If trees bare of leaves, a new beginning. If full trees, danger from complacency.
Umbrella - lasting friendship, security.
Vinegar - jealousy.
Volcano - adventure, passion.
Water - if flowing water, such as a river or stream, increased romance. If water is murky, one is unsure of one's own feelings.
Weapons - be on guard.



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