Different Worlds
We take things for granted in our life. Daily how much food do we waste, how much water do we waste, and we spend money just for our pleasures on music, designer label clothings, accessories, etc. I used to waste a lot of food, coz maybe i didn't like it...it was not my favourite dish, it could be any reason. But the food i eat daily, i had taken it for granted, whenever i threw a portion of my food, i never regreted but somewhere in the world people just that morsel of food would be heaven to them. Ofcourse, i would strave a day in the name of dieting but did that make any difference to me. I actually don't know what real starvation is !
Recently my friend told about a supermarket were everyday they would dispose and destroy the left over stock of vegetables of the day.And coincidently the same day i read an article, about sudan or some African country. There the people just didn't have water to drink, they kept searching for water but they didn't find it anywhere. Finally they came upon a place where there was some muddy water and dying of thirst they just ate /drank that muddy water. And here we would we wasting water daily gardening and washing cars. Water would keep flowing when we brush our teeth. We never care for it, does wasting water effect us.
ChecK this link, http://www.itoglu.it/ekincaglar/coin/coin.swf Excellent video,i must say.If you don't see it, you are missing something. All i said in this blog is shown as a visual there.I was searching the net on poverty, drought, hunger when i came upon this video. And truely this shows the vast difference of the lives on this planet.
Then there is other photo which keeps circulating on the net, about the pulitzer award winning photographer Kevin Carter, who had taken a picture of 1994 Sudan Famine where a little girl is crawling towards are UN Food camp, and far away a Vulture is waiting for her to be its food. That is really a haunting photograph. Its said the photographer chased away the Vulture and the girl finally reached the food champ. After that incident the photographer felt depressed . Its said that this hauting visual left him so depressed that he finally committed suicide.

Still there are so many people and kids around the world who don't even get to eat a proper meal a day, and so many people die due to hunger.
The news paper and channels keep showing about people infected by the SARS virus or the bird flu. But compared to the deaths there the amount of death due to poverty is much higher in numbers. And so easily we ignore it, as if it doesn't effect us.
Yes , saying about the relief fund, i remember after the Great Tsunami of 2004, there was great flow of relief fund to the effected area's but its only half of the relief fund which reach the relief camps. Some portion of the much needed money would be taken by some of the corrupt, greedy officials. Money is all that matters, until it doesn't come upon them , people never realize what a person goes through at such difficult times.
For these days whenever i have some portion of the remaining,unfinished food, even if i just don't want to eat it too, i would push it into my mouth, just a thought knocking my conscious remainding of the people who would be dying without just a handful of food to eat. or just prepare food as much is required not in excess.Same with water too, never to take things for granted.
Recently my friend told about a supermarket were everyday they would dispose and destroy the left over stock of vegetables of the day.And coincidently the same day i read an article, about sudan or some African country. There the people just didn't have water to drink, they kept searching for water but they didn't find it anywhere. Finally they came upon a place where there was some muddy water and dying of thirst they just ate /drank that muddy water. And here we would we wasting water daily gardening and washing cars. Water would keep flowing when we brush our teeth. We never care for it, does wasting water effect us.
ChecK this link, http://www.itoglu.it/ekincaglar/coin/coin.swf Excellent video,i must say.If you don't see it, you are missing something. All i said in this blog is shown as a visual there.I was searching the net on poverty, drought, hunger when i came upon this video. And truely this shows the vast difference of the lives on this planet.
Then there is other photo which keeps circulating on the net, about the pulitzer award winning photographer Kevin Carter, who had taken a picture of 1994 Sudan Famine where a little girl is crawling towards are UN Food camp, and far away a Vulture is waiting for her to be its food. That is really a haunting photograph. Its said the photographer chased away the Vulture and the girl finally reached the food champ. After that incident the photographer felt depressed . Its said that this hauting visual left him so depressed that he finally committed suicide.

Still there are so many people and kids around the world who don't even get to eat a proper meal a day, and so many people die due to hunger.
The news paper and channels keep showing about people infected by the SARS virus or the bird flu. But compared to the deaths there the amount of death due to poverty is much higher in numbers. And so easily we ignore it, as if it doesn't effect us.
Yes , saying about the relief fund, i remember after the Great Tsunami of 2004, there was great flow of relief fund to the effected area's but its only half of the relief fund which reach the relief camps. Some portion of the much needed money would be taken by some of the corrupt, greedy officials. Money is all that matters, until it doesn't come upon them , people never realize what a person goes through at such difficult times.
For these days whenever i have some portion of the remaining,unfinished food, even if i just don't want to eat it too, i would push it into my mouth, just a thought knocking my conscious remainding of the people who would be dying without just a handful of food to eat. or just prepare food as much is required not in excess.Same with water too, never to take things for granted.
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