Beautiful Borobudur

On the island of Java stands a mountain of a thousand statues...panels at Borobudur surrounded by volcanoes, shrouded in mystery. It conveys the visitor to the heart of the life of Buddha with strong iconographical details. Located at 42 kms west of Yogyakarta, on the island of Java in Indonesia, Borobudur - one of the most magnificent Buddhist shrines in the world - was built at the end of the 9th century by the Hindu kings of the Sailendra dynasty.

Although the architect and the artisans were of Indian origin, most of the craftsmen and carvers were Javanese, so Borobudur shows both Indian and Javanese influence. Its estimated to have took 75 Years to build and was completed in 825 A.D. The seat of the Government moved to the Eastern part of Java with royal patronage gone, the shrine could not be maintained and was finally abandoned. The jungle began to creep up around it. Within a few years it was fully covered with creepers, thick vegetation. The local people stayed away from it too.

In 1814, a British Administrative officer, Sir Stamforb Raffles, rediscovered the monument and ordered its restoration, but while doing this it began to crumble. Only in the 20th century was the technology to restore it was available. It took 8 long years to complete. Over one million of its carved stones and many statues, were removed, numbered and cleaned, treated and put back.

Now Borobudur stands tall, it stretches 200 meters all sides. The pilgrim enters by the eastern gate and moves in a clockwise direction along the ever ascending pathway that takes him through the terrace built at different levels. The first size terraces are square, and the top three are circular, crowing the entire structure is the central stupa. The 9 stupas represent the nine stages to Nirvana. The lower terrace are decorated with carving and sculptures related to Buddhist teachings containing only 72 stupas, each containing a statue of the Buddha. It faces east and is built near the confluence of two rivers, like many temples in India.

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