Colours on Wheel

Some interesting facts i gathered from net
about cars and our personality

Ancient Egyptians believed in chromatherapy, the ability to heal with colors: Red stimulates mental energy, yellow stimulates the nerves, blue heals organic disorders such as colds and hay fever, etc.Colours reflect the characteristics of a person to a great deal.but do you know that the colour of your vehcile, is also a pointer to your personality.Believe it or not! A U.K insurance survey had studied 1,30,000 cars and found that there exists a strong correlation between the personality and a person's choice of his vehicle colour.

Psychology studies suggest people choose their cars’ colors based on specific personality traits and how the driver wants to be seen by the world.

Black cars put off an intimidating vibe, like a pair of mirrored sunglasses on a state trooper. Red cars say, “I’m fast, give me a ticket!” People who drive green cars tend to like the outdoors and are concerned about the environment. Chocolate addiction probably explains why brown keeps showing up as a popular color. White cars... well, science has never discovered why anyone buys a white car on purpose – “too tired to pick a color” is the most likely theory so far.

Nothing looks more like a smile on wheels, though, than a bright yellow car. Yellow is the color of sunshine, spring and new life (think egg yolk), yet until recent years it was considered just a little too flashy to be associated with good, decent folks. The color has a “look at me” quality that appeals to outgoing personalities and turns off people who like to keep to themselves – it’s the automotive equivalent of a Hawaiian print shirt.

Your choice of colour reflects the real you!

Do you own a red car?Then you are energetic..
A cream car? you are calm....
A green car?You are sensitive .......
what colour is your vehicle?

Red :
Owners are d to be impulsive, energetic and quick thing.They are the bold and outgoing type,who freely voice their opinions.They are very enthusiastic and enjoy travel immensely. You’re outgoing and impulsive with a youthful attitude, but easily bored.

Owners are sober,cautious, introspective and purposeful by nature.They hold control over their emotions.They prefer to withdraw first and then to strike out unnecessarily. A team player who’s sociable and friendly, yet lacks imagination

Owners are largely found to be cool and aloof.They are prudent and meticulous, having an eye detail.Slow and steady by nature, they prefer to work quietly behind the scenes.

These vehicles are mostly prefered by extroverts.They speak with authhority and are found to be very active.They like discipline, order and perfection in everything and they hate delays. The first choice of doctors and drivers who are reliable and methodical.

Owners have calm and sober personality.But they are mentally very alert.Such people belive in order, discipline and hardwork. Expresses understated good taste and indicates a safe, cautious driver.

Owners are self-contained and mostly in control of themselves.They look serious and modest.Conservative by nature, they are rarely rash in doing things.

It reflects an owner with an idealistic and righteous personality.They are optimistic and posses vivid imagination. They display sometimes a lot of nervous energy around them.They love to help the world and also want to keep their image clean. They are basically shy.


Owners love variety and action.they are always on the move.They are honest,straight forward and witty.They are usually very adaptable,but sometimes go overboard with their nervousness and emotional tendencies.


Owners reflect an aggressive and rebellious personality.They believe in sheer hard work,discipline and respect.They are fond of challenges and are not afraid to take the plunge. First choice of ambitious drivers who want to project an image of success.


Owners display gentle, loving, affectionate personality .They are the charming and friendly sort and usually quick to forgive and forget.Generally faithful, they value friendships a great deal.

When choosing a car color, however, be sure to consider more than its ability to match your wardrobe. Certain colors require particular care. Keep this list handy when you choose:

  • White: Although grime looks terrible on a white car, it’s the easiest color to care for.
  • Black (and other dark colors): These are most susceptible to sun damage because of their heavy absorption of ultraviolet rays.
  • Red: This also shows sun damage, so keep your car in a garage or shady port whenever possible.
  • Pearl colors: These are the most difficult to work with. If the paint needs to be re-touched, it must be matched to look right from both the front- and side-angle views.

Silver cars are the safest on the road

Going for a spin in a silver vehicle is much safer than any other colour of car - black, brown and green cars are the most dangerous

Silver cars are much less likely to be involved in a serious crash than cars of other colours, suggests a new study of over 1000 cars.

People driving in silver cars were 50 per cent less likely to suffer serious injury in a crash compared with drivers of white cars, the research in New Zealand found.

White, yellow, grey, red and blue cars carried about the same risk of injury. But those taking to the roads in black, brown or green cars were twice as likely to suffer a crash with serious injury.

In Great Britain there was actually some research done that suggested that the colour of your car says something about your personality type. And accordingly, based on your personality type, your likeliness to be involved in an accident (in the United Kingdom at least). That research showed that black cars are twice as likely to be involved in crashes as cream-color cars. Whether this is true in the United States is unclear.

Here is what it said about certain car colors (listed in order of most dangerous to least)*

Black cars denote an aggressive personality or someone who's an outsider or rebel.
Silver cars indicate someone who's cool, calm and slightly aloof.
Green cars can often be chosen by people with hysterical tendencies.

Yellow cars signify someone who is idealistic and novelty loving.
Blue cars are chosen by the more introspective, reflective and cautious driver.
Gray cars represent those who are calm, sober and dedicated to their work.
Red cars denote those who are full of zest, energy and drive and who think, move and talk quickly.
Pink cars are chosen by gentle, loving and affectionate drivers.
White cars represent status-seeking extrovert drivers.
Cream cars are the least likely to be involved in accidents and denote self-contained and controlled owners.



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