Final Farewell

Dream life as if you’ll live forever;
But, live life as if you’ll die today

Some people come into our lives and quickly go, some people move our souls to dance,
They awaken us to new understanding with the passing whisper of their wisdom,
Some people make the sky more beautiful to gaze upon; they stay in our lives for a while, Leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never ever the same.

How truly said…never knew the bye I was saying to my uncle and cousin would be the final one………two people, so close to my heart ….whom I adored very much. After spending 4 memorable years at my hometown , I was traveling back with my family to Delhi…a reunion…. in search of better opportunities.

Just 10 min. left for the train to depart, my uncle holding my hands for a long time just looked at me …..His eyes looked quite sad…why he gave that look, I still don’t know. Did he know or feel what was about to come????? Don’t know, but still that look really quizzes me, even today. My cousin came just on time 5 min. before the departure. I had seen him in this morning, he looked like any ordinary school boy, a IX th grade student….but when I looked at him this very moment, I suddenly felt as if he had grown so tall …..the way he would look after a few years.….he too was quite sad about us leaving. I still remember them saying farewell to us…….THAT FINAL FAREWELL!!!!!

Saying goodbye to them with heavy hearts…..It’s always hard to say farewell, especially to someone whom we love very much, who are very dear to us. At 7.10 P.M, the train departed, a long 2 ½ days journey lies ahead of us. The next day around 1.30 P.M, don’t know why, but none of us had the appetite to eat the lunch, a strange feeling. Some uneasiness…. As if something bad was going to happen. I tried to listen to music, play cards with my sis, nothing worked…..not only me, my whole family experienced that same uneasiness..when suddenly the train halted with such a jerk that everyone was thrown away from their place and the cabin crew boyz were running like lunatics. We asked them ,what happened ,when one reported , “accident hote hote bach gaye”.Almost everyone went out to see and were so horrified to see another train halted on the same track a few yards away.Only due to the carefulness of the drivers a major accident was averted. Everyone was so greatful; they thanked god and their good fortune and most of all the engine drivers. I was wondering, what if the accident had occured. There was no chance anyone from our compartment would have escaped death coz ours was the 3rd or 4th one from the engine. Maybe, death was so near…that was the reason for the strange uneasy feeling we had. Glad it was over…. we resumed our journey. Everyone was talking the whole day about miracles, life, death and all such experiences…..truly …that was a close encounter with death.

At night around 11.00 P.M, the TC came asking for my father and handed us a telegram. What would be your first reaction, when you receive a telegram.... that too in train...well, certainly some terrible news was coming our way….we were praying ,hoping nothing was wrong….as my father read it out, our whole world crashed ….. never expected a news as such…..never! We just didn’t know ….how to react….what to do….my uncle and cousin ,both had died in an accident that afternoon, almost the same time we encountered with an accident. People around us were so helpful….thanks to them. We asked our relatives not to delay about the last rites….coz if they waited till our return it would be very painful for their families… least they both would be always alive in our memories, the very same way as we said bye to them.

Still tears rolling, still so shocked to recover from the tragic news…how it could happen. Just the previous day we saw them and the next day you hear they are dead…this was the most painful experience of my life and we were in such situation that we couldn’t return back…we were trapped in a terrible situation. Next day the newspapers had another shocking news in store …some train near Bihar / Bengal had a major accident……coincidentally it was the same type of accident we had escaped from…both trains were running on same track…and oh god! There were so many deaths and it was quite disastrous. One shock after another…..everyone wondering was it only coincidence?????? Same time, same situation……but we were fortunate to escape…they were not that lucky. Somehow, we reached Delhi…everyone thanking their good fortune.

We took a flight back the next morning to our hometown ,back to where we stared……it was difficult to face our relatives….the whole atmosphere so dull and sad with the death of two wonderful people. Later we learnt more about the accident…we just couldn’t realize how heartless some people can be. Strange, there wasn’t a single scratch on that killer bike, but both the rider were dead. Uncle died on the spot, but my cousin who was sitting behind was run over by a bus and he lay there in the middle of the road, so seriously injured….no one came forward to help…finally when some good angels where ready to help the drunken traffic policewalla didn’t allow him to be taken……people volunteered to take, but that cruel b****** didn’t allow…saying only a police squad can touch an accident case creating a dirty scene and a big traffic block. It took another ½hr for the squad to reach ,but my cousin didn’t make it to the hospital. There might be no cruse left in mind for that trafficman and the bus driver. Why my sweet brother had to die in such a terrible way….GOD IS SO UNKIND! A case was registered against them, yet no witness came forward and after 4 years of that accident the final verdict was given…..both the traffic man as well as the bus driver were left free by the court……law in India…..its useless saying anything about it….as they say “Andha Kanoon” !!! If only they experienced such incidents with their loved ones, they would know.

Only when people themselves experience such incidents, they realize the pain one goes through….until then its just another accident for them, like the one’s we come across newspapers daily! One reads it casually …..then flip over to the next page.

These incidents changed the whole perspective of my life. For me it’s ….Live life to the moment…..coz what will happen the very next moment …..we just don’t know…..We have certain goals and expectations from life…but…. when, how life takes a twist, is so unpredictable…..but that’s life….isn’t it???? Yet we look forward for a better tomorrow. We shouldn’t regret any moments, later in life, so live every moment, be it sad or happy ones. Having close encounter with death several times showed me the importance of life, each time I realized how much I wanted to live… much I loved life!



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